NiceTalk Tutor
What's NiceTalk
As China’s first mobile English learning platform, NiceTalk provides students with instant access to fluent English speakers through one on one video chat.
NiceTalk Tutor is specially designed for fluent English speakers who want to be English practice partners and teachers.
Benefits of Freelance NiceTalk Tutors
Keep your skills sharp while earning extra money as an online English tutor with NiceTalk. Choose to work flexibly with any smartphone that has stable, high-speed internet access.
  • No worry for visa issues
  • No hassle for housing or flights
  • Flexible work hours-tutor on your schedule
  • Rewarding teaching experience
  • Interesting new friends
Requirements For NiceTalk Tutors
  • Language Proficiency: English native speakers. Applicants with TEFL/TESOL/CELTA certificate or IELTS/TOEFL teaching experience will be preferred.
  • Stable & High Internet Access (Required): Tutors' internet speed requires to consistently be above 300kbps for uploading and 500kbps for downloading;
  • Updated Android/IOS Operating System: NiceTalk can be compatible with IOS and Android cellphones. Cellphones with above 7.0 IOS operation system and 4.0 Android operation system will be preferable;
  • Quiet Environment: Make sure you are in a quiet place to engage with your students. Background noise can be a distraction for both of you.